Community Testing V2 of BusyDAO chaincode!

🚨Community testing v2 is closed🚨
Words can’t express how grateful we are for so many participants and the enormous amount of feedback❗️🥇
We are going to evaluate the results, release the full report and share rewards in the next few weeks 🔬
Thanks to everyone who helped us with testing the power of #BusyDAO 🤗 ❤️ You play a huge part in creating the next generation of #DAO 💯
Busy is happy to reveal the second and last long-awaited Community Testing event V2. The updated version of BusyDAO chaincode testnet V3 goes public on 5th September 2022 at 3 PM CET, and the world will be involved in the bug bounty event. Every user can suggest improvements to the solution and report found bugs for 2 weeks. Rewards are high — in this phase, you can earn up to $4,000 in BUSY coins. Do not hesitate to check more and get ready to test the Busy solution.
- Community Testing starts on 5th September 2022 at 3 PM CET and will end on 19th September 2022 at 3 PM CET (2 weeks).
- During the testing period, the full stable BusyDAO testnet (Chaincode, API documentation, Desktop Wallet, Explorer, etc.) will be available, and users will be able to submit findings (bugs, errors, mistakes, typos, etc.) and suggest improvements or new features.
- After closing the Community Testing, the Busy Team will pause operations on the testnet, review submitted findings, evaluate them, perform necessary corrections and release rewards for the bug-hunters for accepted bugs. All findings will be reviewed as per the Risk Evaluation Matrix (below), and the reward will be calculated based on the bug’s severity. If two testers submit the same bug, the timestamp of the submission will be taken during the allocation of the reward, e.g., only the fastest tester will be rewarded.
Parts of the solution that will be available
Full Chaincode
- The whole ready-to-go mainnet version of the chaincode and Busy DAO network will be available.
- All publicly available addresses.
- You could interact with chaincode.
- Complete API documentation is available.
- You can generate your apikey to communicate with BusyDAO API on the Explorer.
- BusyDAO Scan is Busy’s explorer. It shows all blocks, transactions, wallets, and tokens in the chaincode.
- Explorer Testnet is available.
Busy DAO Desktop Wallet
- The newest version of the Desktop Wallet is connected to the Testnet via BusyDAO API.
All parts of the Community Testing V2 are connected to the BusyDAO Testnet! Do not send any real funds to the Busy address!
This version is for testing purposes only!
How will the findings be evaluated?
The evaluation of findings will be considered based on the Risk Evaluation Matrix below. A specific reward will be assigned based on the severity (comparison of consequence and likelihood).

What will be the reward?
The Busy reward program provides a criterium for the individual reward per bug based on the severity. The reward will be issued ONLY in $BUSY ERC-20 tokens. Rewards are set to be from $50 up to $4,000!

After the event, an anonymous list of bug-hunters will be published, along with information about how many bugs/errors were approved and how many rewards were assigned.
Show your skills in finding bugs, errors, and mistakes and show your enthusiasm to be part of the Busy ecosystem!