Vote for suggestions from Busy Community Testing V2!

We’re proud to announce that Busy Community Testing V2 was successfully closed (read more); we have received enormous feedback and suggestions. In addition, we have decided to reward the three best suggestions. And who is going to choose them? Busy Community! Each winner will receive $50 in BUSY tokens.
We have chosen 16 suggestions, and they will be divided into 4 voting pools (each pool with 4 suggestions) on our Twitter, and from each round, the entry with the most votes wins!
Check below each pool’s suggestion details:
Pool 1: CLOSED – 27. 09. 14:00–28. 09. 14:00 CET (UTC+2)
Pool details:
- Desktop Wallet — Implementation of Dark/Light mode. First suggested by: axellab (@tamamus12).
- Staking — Add a new API function to create multiple staking addresses at a time. First suggested by: yourbusy (@yourbusy1).
- WINNER: Desktop Wallet — Implement paste function via right click. First suggested by: windawat (@quemanz1).
- Desktop Wallet — Enter more requirements on the wallet’s password (minimum 12 characters + special char). First suggested by: bfbilly02 (@xebecisnotfound).
Pool 2: CLOSED – 28. 09. 14:00–29. 09. 14:00 CET (UTC+2)
- WINNER: Desktop Wallet — Implement a “reset” button on the create wallet section that will remove all entered seed phrase words from the field. First suggested by: edofox19 (@LilaJam16389095).
- Desktop Wallet — Allow full-size (maximised) wallet window. First suggested by: Ardi (@Ardi00877182).
- Desktop Wallet — Implement an address book to the wallet. First suggested by: Grace (@thenihonnft).
- API— getTransactions — Enhance filters (add filters like date, type, status, etc., and sort by date, value, etc.). First suggested by: bfbilly02 (@xebecisnotfound).
Pool 3: CLOSED – 29. 09. 14:00–30. 09. 14:00 CET (UTC+2)
- Desktop Wallet — Create a multi-language version (possibility to change the language of the wallet in the settings by the users). First suggested by: GOLOK555 (@D1137UB).
- Desktop Wallet — Implement an in-app notifications feature. First suggested by: bfbilly02 (@xebecisnotfound).
- Blockchain — Implement a multi-send function. First suggested by: rsyamsul (@greatness842).
- WINNER: Desktop Wallet — Add a confirmation page on send page. First suggested by: ismaonezain (@ismaonezain).
Pool 4: CLOSED – 30. 09. 14:00–01. 10. 14:00 CET (UTC+2)
- Desktop Wallet — Allow multi-user interface on a single computer (possible to switch wallet between multiple users). First suggested by: Teros (@TEROosSHA).
- Tokens — Allow a minimum of 2 chars for new token symbols (currently 3). First suggested by: SandeepMaity (@sandeepmaity008).
- WINNER: Desktop Wallet — Create a notification pop-up if claiming amount is less than the tx fee. First suggested by: @DayalKS2.
- BusyScan— Add more staking details like TVL and circulation supply. First suggested by: @PumPITupside.
Once all rounds are closed, we will distribute $50 in BUSY tokens to the winner of each pool within a few days.
Thank you All for your contributions and suggestions; you support building the Busy Ecosystem!